Living the Learning Life in a Time of COVID 19

“Living the Learning Life in a Time of COVID-19” published in Johns Hopkins University Press’s CEA Critic journal, is an autobiographical reflection by Dany Batchelor, an English Secondary Education student at the University of Northern Colorado. With a preface by her professor, the comics piece delves into the transition from in-person to online courses. Batchelor’s comic portrays the shift to a socially distant, online community and captures the emotional toll of isolation on university students. While mourning the “loss of familiar faces” (Batchelor 196) and combating quarantine stagnation, she discovers new passions that emerge from her pre-pandemic community. Her journey demonstrates that personal growth and self-discovery are possible even in isolation, emphasizing the significance of maintaining disrupted community ties during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Image Captions:

An excerpt from Batchelor’s comic, depicting the initial shift from in-person to online learning from “Living the Learning Life in a Time of COVID 19,” CEA Critic, 2020.

Citation: Batchelor, Dany. “Living the Learning Life in a Time of COVID 19.” CEA Critic (Johns Hopkins University Press), vol. 82 no. 3, November 2020, p. 192-199, NON-FICTION, AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL COMIC, 20 MARCH 2020 | US ms/jb/ig

Source Type: Comics

Country: US


Date: 01-Nov-2020

Keywords: Autobiographical Comics during COVID-19, Colorado, Isolation, and Online Learning

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