Outside, Inside

LeUyen Pham’s Outside, Inside tells the story of a young girl navigating the emotional and physical shift brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Through expressive illustrations, Pham depicts the transition from the outside world to the isolation of the indoors, symbolizing the confinement of lockdown during the first wave of the pandemic. While the book does not explicitly mention COVID-19, the artwork immerses readers in the experience of quarantine. The narrator consistently uses the pronoun “we,” emphasizing the shared nature of the pandemic and the collective experience. Pham’s book also honors the essential workers who played a crucial role during this time. By acknowledging the emotional toll and uncertainty of the pandemic, Pham encourages young readers to process their feelings, fostering resilience and mental well-being. The story highlights the importance of community, reminding children that their actions have an impact on others.

Image Captions:

LeUyen Pham. Illustration from Outside, Inside. New York: Roaring Brook Press, 2021.

Citation: Pham, LeUyen. Outside, Inside, New York: Roaring Brook Press, 5 January 2021. FICTION, PICTURE BOOK, CHILDREN, [MARCH 2020] | US. jt/jb

Source Type: Children and YA

Country: United States

Date: 01-Mar-2020

Keywords: Children, Fiction, Illustration, Mental Health, Pandemic Story, Picture Book, Quarantine Narrative, and Young People’s Literature

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